Land plot in the village of Polianytsia - 0.12 ha (Vyshni tract)
the village of Polianytsia (Vyshni tract)
33 333 $
Land plot in the village of Yablunytsia - 0.16 ha (Dovhyi Hrun tract)
the village of Yablunytsia (Dovhyi Hrun tract)
3 800 $
Land plot in the village of Yablunytsia - 0.09 ha (Pohary tract)
the village of Yablunytsia (Pohary tract)
3 500 $
Land plot of 0.44 ha in Yaremche with access to the forest
Yaremche city
2 500 $
Land plot in the village of Tatariv - 0.18 ha (Pihy tract)
the village of Tatariv (Pihy tract)
4 000 $
Land plot in the village of Yablunytsia - 0.33 ha (Dovhyi Hrun tract)
the village of Yablunytsia (Dovhyi Hrun tract)
3 000 $
Land plot in the village of Yablunytsia - 0.43 ha (Horishkiv tract)
village of Yablunytsia (Horishkiv tract)
4 500 $
Land plot in the village of Yablunytsia - 2.65 ha
village of Yablunytsia
2 300 $
Land plot in Tatariv village 0.12 ha
Tatariv village
2 600 $